
French Commercial Correspondent…

Ever since the inauguration of a limited Free-trade Policy in France, by the conclusion of the Treaty of October 12, 1860, the Commercial relations of that country both with Great Britain and the United States – as well as with other countries in which the English tongue is spoken – have been steadily on increase. In consequence of this, a thorough pratical acquaintance with the French language, which formerly was but a desideratum, has become an object of all but absolute necessity to those engaged in Commercial pursuits of an international character in this country.


French Commercial Correspondent…


Ever since the inauguration of a limited Free-trade Policy in France, by the conclusion of the Treaty of October 12, 1860, the Commercial relations of that country both with Great Britain and the United States – as well as with other countries in which the English tongue is spoken – have been steadily on increase. In consequence of this, a thorough pratical acquaintance with the French language, which formerly was but a desideratum, has become an object of all but absolute necessity to those engaged in Commercial pursuits of an international character in this country.

Título: The French Commercial Correspondent with English Notes, Explanatory and Idiomatical,
Autor: J. T. Dann & F. Courvoisier
Edição: Asher
Ano: 1870
Páginas: 247
Obs.: Raro


Ever since the inauguration of a limited Free-trade Policy in France, by the conclusion of the Treaty of October 12, 1860, the Commercial relations of that country both with Great Britain and the United States – as well as with other countries in which the English tongue is spoken – have been steadily on increase. In consequence of this, a thorough pratical acquaintance with the French language, which formerly was but a desideratum, has become an object of all but absolute necessity to those engaged in Commercial pursuits of an international character in this country.

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