
History and Techniques: Degas

Anyone who has visited an art gallery will Lunderstand the value of being able to look at paintings close up, to see the way the colours have been used and how the paint has been handled. Now you can have your own personal art gallery in this series of books, The History and Techniques of the Great Masters. Each book brings you a selection of ten or more famous paintings, magnificently reproduced in full colour, and with actual size details so that you can see the way the artist has worked – just as though the paintings were hanging on your own walls. The text analyses each painting in turn, and informative captions tell you exactly which techniques the artist has used to obtain particular effects, what type of canvas and priming was used, and how the colours were chosen, mixed and applied.


History and Techniques: Degas


Anyone who has visited an art gallery will Lunderstand the value of being able to look at paintings close up, to see the way the colours have been used and how the paint has been handled. Now you can have your own personal art gallery in this series of books, The History and Techniques of the Great Masters. Each book brings you a selection of ten or more famous paintings, magnificently reproduced in full colour, and with actual size details so that you can see the way the artist has worked – just as though the paintings were hanging on your own walls. The text analyses each painting in turn, and informative captions tell you exactly which techniques the artist has used to obtain particular effects, what type of canvas and priming was used, and how the colours were chosen, mixed and applied.

History and Techniques: Degas de Linda Bolton. Inglaterra, 1989, 64 págs. Dura.


Sem apontamentos.


Anyone who has visited an art gallery will Lunderstand the value of being able to look at paintings close up, to see the way the colours have been used and how the paint has been handled. Now you can have your own personal art gallery in this series of books, The History and Techniques of the Great Masters. Each book brings you a selection of ten or more famous paintings, magnificently reproduced in full colour, and with actual size details so that you can see the way the artist has worked – just as though the paintings were hanging on your own walls. The text analyses each painting in turn, and informative captions tell you exactly which techniques the artist has used to obtain particular effects, what type of canvas and priming was used, and how the colours were chosen, mixed and applied.

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