The Executive Tart & Other Myths

In this illuminating investigation, top women in media, including Lynn Barber, Liz Forgan, Verity Lambert, Eve Pollard and Janet Street-Porter, reveal some extraordinary truths about their industry, which have an impact on all of us. What is an executive tart? What are “two Cs in the kitchen”? What do these expressions say about the advertizing industry which uses them? The author talks to the top women in advertizing, film, television, newspapers and magazines, as well as women and the men who employ them.


The Executive Tart & Other Myths


In this illuminating investigation, top women in media, including Lynn Barber, Liz Forgan, Verity Lambert, Eve Pollard and Janet Street-Porter, reveal some extraordinary truths about their industry, which have an impact on all of us. What is an executive tart? What are “two Cs in the kitchen”? What do these expressions say about the advertizing industry which uses them? The author talks to the top women in advertizing, film, television, newspapers and magazines, as well as women and the men who employ them.

Título: The Executive Tart & Other Myths
Autor: Ginny Dougary
Edição: Virago
Ano: s.d.
Páginas: 260
Encadernação: Mole
ISBN: 1-85381-419-9


In this illuminating investigation, top women in media, including Lynn Barber, Liz Forgan, Verity Lambert, Eve Pollard and Janet Street-Porter, reveal some extraordinary truths about their industry, which have an impact on all of us. What is an executive tart? What are “two Cs in the kitchen”? What do these expressions say about the advertizing industry which uses them? The author talks to the top women in advertizing, film, television, newspapers and magazines, as well as women and the men who employ them.

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Peso 215 g



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