
Birds of the Tropics

Throughout the world no single area is more rich in its variety of birds than the tropical zone. Whereas many of us grow up enjoying birds in the temperate climates of Western Europe or America where it is relatively easy to see the species with which we have fallen in love as children, the tropical zone is more difficult as a bird-watchers’ haven. Only in the broad savannah areas of Africa or the open forests of eucalyptus of Australia is it possible to see birds with the facility that temperate bird-watchers enjoy. However, birds of the tropics are splendid in their diversity and variety and the momentary glimpses are often utterly captivating. The wonder of the tropics to the naturalist is the diversity of species which occurs there. Nowhere else in the world are so many species crowded into a similar area. The answer is that in the tropics many species occur with relatively small populations whereas in temperate or colder zones of the Arctic and Antarctic fewer species occur with vastly larger populations. Thus to know the birds of the tropics is an intricate life-long career pursued by few and indulged in by relatively infrequent hobbyists.


Birds of the Tropics


Throughout the world no single area is more rich in its variety of birds than the tropical zone. Whereas many of us grow up enjoying birds in the temperate climates of Western Europe or America where it is relatively easy to see the species with which we have fallen in love as children, the tropical zone is more difficult as a bird-watchers’ haven. Only in the broad savannah areas of Africa or the open forests of eucalyptus of Australia is it possible to see birds with the facility that temperate bird-watchers enjoy. However, birds of the tropics are splendid in their diversity and variety and the momentary glimpses are often utterly captivating. The wonder of the tropics to the naturalist is the diversity of species which occurs there. Nowhere else in the world are so many species crowded into a similar area. The answer is that in the tropics many species occur with relatively small populations whereas in temperate or colder zones of the Arctic and Antarctic fewer species occur with vastly larger populations. Thus to know the birds of the tropics is an intricate life-long career pursued by few and indulged in by relatively infrequent hobbyists.

Birds of the Tropics de Dillon Ripley. Orbis Publishing. London, 1973, 128 págs. Dura


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Throughout the world no single area is more rich in its variety of birds than the tropical zone. Whereas many of us grow up enjoying birds in the temperate climates of Western Europe or America where it is relatively easy to see the species with which we have fallen in love as children, the tropical zone is more difficult as a bird-watchers’ haven. Only in the broad savannah areas of Africa or the open forests of eucalyptus of Australia is it possible to see birds with the facility that temperate bird-watchers enjoy. However, birds of the tropics are splendid in their diversity and variety and the momentary glimpses are often utterly captivating. The wonder of the tropics to the naturalist is the diversity of species which occurs there. Nowhere else in the world are so many species crowded into a similar area. The answer is that in the tropics many species occur with relatively small populations whereas in temperate or colder zones of the Arctic and Antarctic fewer species occur with vastly larger populations. Thus to know the birds of the tropics is an intricate life-long career pursued by few and indulged in by relatively infrequent hobbyists.

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