What Is Cultural Studies? A Reader

The subject of cultural studies has not yet been fully defined, since it is a relatively new and still-evolving area, although various schools of thought have sought to claim it as their own. This book is designed as a pedagogic resource which offers a variety of answers to the question it poses. It brings together some major writers in the international field, and introduces the student to debates about the evolution of cultural studies, discusses various different strands
within the subject, and considers future directions.


What Is Cultural Studies? A Reader


The subject of cultural studies has not yet been fully defined, since it is a relatively new and still-evolving area, although various schools of thought have sought to claim it as their own. This book is designed as a pedagogic resource which offers a variety of answers to the question it poses. It brings together some major writers in the international field, and introduces the student to debates about the evolution of cultural studies, discusses various different strands
within the subject, and considers future directions.

What Is Cultural Studies? A Reader de John Storey. Arnold. 1996, 387 págs. Brochado.



Sem apontamentos


The subject of cultural studies has not yet been fully defined, since it is a relatively new and still-evolving area, although various schools of thought have sought to claim it as their own. This book is designed as a pedagogic resource which offers a variety of answers to the question it poses. It brings together some major writers in the international field, and introduces the student to debates about the evolution of cultural studies, discusses various different strands
within the subject, and considers future directions.

Informação adicional

Peso 675 g


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