Sex Watching: Looking into the world of sexual behaviour de Milton Diamond. Prion, 1992, 256 págs. Dura.
No potion, powder, or drug exists that can selectively and sately manipulate both sexual desire and performance in both men and women.
“In India adepts of tantra and kundalini yoga maintain thar coitus gives greatest erotic satisfaction when orgasm is continually postponed or even denied altogether; to have an orgasm without ejaculation is to reach nirvana, a high state of bliss.”
While sociologists wonder why males do not play a greater part in the rearing of children, biologists wonder why they take as much interest as they do.”
“Men should not be unsexed by failure outside the home and success within it, nor women unsexed by success outside the home and failure within it.
Too often it is assumed that love is an exhaustible commodity of which there is only so much to go around. On the contrary. the more one loves, the easier it becomes
Sex Watching: Looking into the world of sexual behaviour de Milton Diamond. Prion, 1992, 256 págs. Dura.
No potion, powder, or drug exists that can selectively and sately manipulate both sexual desire and performance in both men and women.
“In India adepts of tantra and kundalini yoga maintain thar coitus gives greatest erotic satisfaction when orgasm is continually postponed or even denied altogether; to have an orgasm without ejaculation is to reach nirvana, a high state of bliss.”
While sociologists wonder why males do not play a greater part in the rearing of children, biologists wonder why they take as much interest as they do.”
“Men should not be unsexed by failure outside the home and success within it, nor women unsexed by success outside the home and failure within it.
Too often it is assumed that love is an exhaustible commodity of which there is only so much to go around. On the contrary. the more one loves, the easier it becomes
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Rua Álvaro Cunhal
nº 4A, Piso 1, Escritório 1
2005-414 Santarém
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