

In this book one can find many artworks created by PicaUsso between 1881 and 1914. The first style of the artist was influenced by the works of El Greco, Munch and Toulouse-Lautrec, artists that he discovered when he was a student in Barcelona. Picasso, fascinated by the psychological expression during his Blue period (1901-1904), expresses his own mental misery: his genre paintings, still-lifes and portraits were full of melancholy. Later, Picasso began to paint acrobats during his Circus period. After his voyage to Paris, in 1904, his aestheticism evolved considerably. Cezanne’s influence and Spanish culture led him to Cubism, which is characterised by the multiple points of view over the surface of the painting. Apart from a selection of Picasso’s first paintings, this book presents several drawings, sculptures and photographs.


In this book one can find many artworks created by PicaUsso between 1881 and 1914. The first style of the artist was influenced by the works of El Greco, Munch and Toulouse-Lautrec, artists that he discovered when he was a student in Barcelona. Picasso, fascinated by the psychological expression during his Blue period (1901-1904), expresses his own mental misery: his genre paintings, still-lifes and portraits were full of melancholy. Later, Picasso began to paint acrobats during his Circus period. After his voyage to Paris, in 1904, his aestheticism evolved considerably. Cezanne’s influence and Spanish culture led him to Cubism, which is characterised by the multiple points of view over the surface of the painting. Apart from a selection of Picasso’s first paintings, this book presents several drawings, sculptures and photographs.


Picasso de Anatoli Podoksik. Grange Books. 2004. 158 págs. Dura.



Sem apontamentos


In this book one can find many artworks created by PicaUsso between 1881 and 1914. The first style of the artist was influenced by the works of El Greco, Munch and Toulouse-Lautrec, artists that he discovered when he was a student in Barcelona. Picasso, fascinated by the psychological expression during his Blue period (1901-1904), expresses his own mental misery: his genre paintings, still-lifes and portraits were full of melancholy. Later, Picasso began to paint acrobats during his Circus period. After his voyage to Paris, in 1904, his aestheticism evolved considerably. Cezanne’s influence and Spanish culture led him to Cubism, which is characterised by the multiple points of view over the surface of the painting. Apart from a selection of Picasso’s first paintings, this book presents several drawings, sculptures and photographs.

Informação adicional

Peso 1375 g


Banda Desenhada

Seleções BD nº 16 (1ª Série)

As “Selecções BD, I Série” (1988-1991) tiveram como Director Orlando Campos; Director-Adjunto: Natália Severino; Director Artístico: Luís Macieira; Assistente Editorial Maria José Magalhães Pereira; Grafismo: Rui Campos e como colaboradores permanentes: Geraldes Lino; Miguel Duarte e Rui Garcia.


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