
Paths of Multiculturalism

The Paths of Multiculturalism deals with three main topics: travel writings, multiculturalism and postcolonialism. These essays are by scholars from different countries in every continent, with diverse perspectives on their main fields of research and with different methodological approaches, and they have been written for the purpose of subsequent discussion at a meeting in the Dias Museum, in Mossel Bay, South Africa.

Paths of Multiculturalism

The Paths of Multiculturalism deals with three main topics: travel writings, multiculturalism and postcolonialism. These essays are by scholars from different countries in every continent, with diverse perspectives on their main fields of research and with different methodological approaches, and they have been written for the purpose of subsequent discussion at a meeting in the Dias Museum, in Mossel Bay, South Africa.


Paths of Multiculturalism de Maria-Alzira Seixo [et al.]. Edições Cosmos. Lisboa, 2000, 498 págs. Mole.



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The Paths of Multiculturalism deals with three main topics: travel writings, multiculturalism and postcolonialism. These essays are by scholars from different countries in every continent, with diverse perspectives on their main fields of research and with different methodological approaches, and they have been written for the purpose of subsequent discussion at a meeting in the Dias Museum, in Mossel Bay, South Africa.

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Peso 765 g


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Um manual completo para se manter saudável e evitar os efeitos do envelhecimento. Um guia do corpo humano que mostra como ele funciona e o que realmente pode ser feito para cuidar da saúde e da aparência à medida que os anos passam. Os médicos Michael F. Roizen e Mehmet C. Oz escreveram o mais […]



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Paths of Multiculturalism









The Paths of Multiculturalism deals with three main topics: travel writings, multiculturalism and postcolonialism. These essays are by scholars from different countries in every continent, with diverse perspectives on their main fields of research and with different methodological approaches, and they have been written for the purpose of subsequent discussion at a meeting in the Dias Museum, in Mossel Bay, South Africa.

Paths of Multiculturalism de Maria-Alzira Seixo [et al.]. Edições Cosmos. Lisboa, 2000, 498 págs. Mole.



Sem apontamentos


The Paths of Multiculturalism deals with three main topics: travel writings, multiculturalism and postcolonialism. These essays are by scholars from different countries in every continent, with diverse perspectives on their main fields of research and with different methodological approaches, and they have been written for the purpose of subsequent discussion at a meeting in the Dias Museum, in Mossel Bay, South Africa.

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Peso 765 g
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