
Mind Over Matter

The universe comes down to earth in K. C. Cole’s Mind Over Matter, a fresh and witty exploration of physics, cosmology, mathematics, astronomy, and more. Like no other science writer, Cole demystifies scientific concepts and humanizes the people who study them. Beginning with a discussion of how “the mind creates reality as well as muddles it,” she then peeks into the stories behind science’s great minds and into their playful side, and concludes by illuminating the relationship between science and society. Cole’s remarkable work brings science to the reader’s doorstep, revealing the universe to be elegant, intriguing, and relevant to politics, art, and every dimension of human life.

Mind Over Matter

The universe comes down to earth in K. C. Cole's Mind Over Matter, a fresh and witty exploration of physics, cosmology, mathematics, astronomy, and more. Like no other science writer, Cole demystifies scientific concepts and humanizes the people who study them. Beginning with a discussion of how "the mind creates reality as well as muddles it," she then peeks into the stories behind science's great minds and into their playful side, and concludes by illuminating the relationship between science and society. Cole's remarkable work brings science to the reader's doorstep, revealing the universe to be elegant, intriguing, and relevant to politics, art, and every dimension of human life.


Título: Mind Over Matter
Autor: K. C. Cole
Edição: Harcourt
Ano: 2003
Páginas: 319
Encadernação: Dura
ISBN: 0-15-100816-7



Sem apontamentos


The universe comes down to earth in K. C. Cole’s Mind Over Matter, a fresh and witty exploration of physics, cosmology, mathematics, astronomy, and more. Like no other science writer, Cole demystifies scientific concepts and humanizes the people who study them. Beginning with a discussion of how “the mind creates reality as well as muddles it,” she then peeks into the stories behind science’s great minds and into their playful side, and concludes by illuminating the relationship between science and society. Cole’s remarkable work brings science to the reader’s doorstep, revealing the universe to be elegant, intriguing, and relevant to politics, art, and every dimension of human life.

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Peso 540 g


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