
Introduction to Semiconductor Physics (Vol.1)

This series of seven paperback volumes has been prepared by academic and industrial members of the Semiconductor Electronics Education Com- mittee for use in the teaching of transistor electronics at the undergrad- uate level. The series focuses on junction diodes and transistors as devices which are of unquestioned technological importance and which readily serve as an introduction to other semiconductor devices. Topics included are: physics of electrical conduction in semiconductors; device physical electronics; device characteristics and circuit models; and circuit appli- cations and design. Throughout the entire series, the authors emphasize the relationship between the internal physics of transistors, and their capabilities and limitations in electronic circuits.


Introduction to Semiconductor Physics (Vol.1)


This series of seven paperback volumes has been prepared by academic and industrial members of the Semiconductor Electronics Education Com- mittee for use in the teaching of transistor electronics at the undergrad- uate level. The series focuses on junction diodes and transistors as devices which are of unquestioned technological importance and which readily serve as an introduction to other semiconductor devices. Topics included are: physics of electrical conduction in semiconductors; device physical electronics; device characteristics and circuit models; and circuit appli- cations and design. Throughout the entire series, the authors emphasize the relationship between the internal physics of transistors, and their capabilities and limitations in electronic circuits.

Introduction to Semiconductor Physics (Vol.1) de R. B. Adler. Educational Services Inc. Estados Unidos da América, 1964, 247 págs. Mole.


Sem apontamentos.


This series of seven paperback volumes has been prepared by academic and industrial members of the Semiconductor Electronics Education Com- mittee for use in the teaching of transistor electronics at the undergrad- uate level. The series focuses on junction diodes and transistors as devices which are of unquestioned technological importance and which readily serve as an introduction to other semiconductor devices. Topics included are: physics of electrical conduction in semiconductors; device physical electronics; device characteristics and circuit models; and circuit appli- cations and design. Throughout the entire series, the authors emphasize the relationship between the internal physics of transistors, and their capabilities and limitations in electronic circuits.

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Peso 340 g


Literatura Portuguesa & Lusofona

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