
Introduction to Communication Studies

The second edition of this widely used introductory textbook updates the work to take accounts of developments in the last few years. John Fiske’s study equips the reader with a range of methods of analysing examples of communication in our society, together with a critical awareness of the theories underpinning them. The reader will be able to tease out the latent cultural meanings in such apparently simple communications as news photos or popular TV programmes.


Introduction to Communication Studies


The second edition of this widely used introductory textbook updates the work to take accounts of developments in the last few years. John Fiske’s study equips the reader with a range of methods of analysing examples of communication in our society, together with a critical awareness of the theories underpinning them. The reader will be able to tease out the latent cultural meanings in such apparently simple communications as news photos or popular TV programmes.

Introduction to Communication Studies de John Fiske. Routledge. Estados Unidos da América, 1998, 203 págs. Mole.


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The second edition of this widely used introductory textbook updates the work to take accounts of developments in the last few years. John Fiske’s study equips the reader with a range of methods of analysing examples of communication in our society, together with a critical awareness of the theories underpinning them. The reader will be able to tease out the latent cultural meanings in such apparently simple communications as news photos or popular TV programmes.

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