Interpersonal Relations in Nursing

A confirmatory factor analysis of data from the responses of 12,436 patients to 16 items on the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems–Hospital survey was used to test a latent factor structure based on Peplau’s middle-range theory of interpersonal relations. A two-factor model based on Peplau’s theory fit these data well, whereas a three-factor model also based on Peplau’s theory fit them excellently and provided a suitable alternate factor structure for the data. Though neither the two- nor three-factor model fit as well as the original factor structure, these results support using Peplau’s theory to demonstrate nursing’s extensive contribution to the experiences of hospitalized patients.


Interpersonal Relations in Nursing


A confirmatory factor analysis of data from the responses of 12,436 patients to 16 items on the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems–Hospital survey was used to test a latent factor structure based on Peplau’s middle-range theory of interpersonal relations. A two-factor model based on Peplau’s theory fit these data well, whereas a three-factor model also based on Peplau’s theory fit them excellently and provided a suitable alternate factor structure for the data. Though neither the two- nor three-factor model fit as well as the original factor structure, these results support using Peplau’s theory to demonstrate nursing’s extensive contribution to the experiences of hospitalized patients.

Título: Interpersonal Relations in Nursing
Autor: Hildegard E. Peplau
Edição: MacMillan Education
Ano: 1988
Páginas: 335
Encadernação: Mole
ISBN: 0-333-46112-6


A confirmatory factor analysis of data from the responses of 12,436 patients to 16 items on the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems–Hospital survey was used to test a latent factor structure based on Peplau’s middle-range theory of interpersonal relations. A two-factor model based on Peplau’s theory fit these data well, whereas a three-factor model also based on Peplau’s theory fit them excellently and provided a suitable alternate factor structure for the data. Though neither the two- nor three-factor model fit as well as the original factor structure, these results support using Peplau’s theory to demonstrate nursing’s extensive contribution to the experiences of hospitalized patients.

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