
Illustrated History of Europe

The ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF EUROPE represents a watershed in historical writing. The collective effort of a team of twelve European historians, it unravels the many cultural, economic, social and political strands of Europe’s history from a European rather than a national perspective. With this broad view it examines the great prehistoric people migrations, the cave paintings of Spain and France, the Roman Empire, the spread of Christianity, the Middle Ages, the glory of the Renaissance, the revolutions of the Reformation, the dawn of industrialization, Empire building and the two world wars of this century, and concludes with the fall of the Berlin wall and the disintegration of the USSR.

Illustrated History of Europe

The ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF EUROPE represents a watershed in historical writing. The collective effort of a team of twelve European historians, it unravels the many cultural, economic, social and political strands of Europe's history from a European rather than a national perspective. With this broad view it examines the great prehistoric people migrations, the cave paintings of Spain and France, the Roman Empire, the spread of Christianity, the Middle Ages, the glory of the Renaissance, the revolutions of the Reformation, the dawn of industrialization, Empire building and the two world wars of this century, and concludes with the fall of the Berlin wall and the disintegration of the USSR.


Illustrated History of Europe de Frédéric Delouche. Phoenix Illustraded. Londres, 1993, 383 págs. Mole.


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The ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF EUROPE represents a watershed in historical writing. The collective effort of a team of twelve European historians, it unravels the many cultural, economic, social and political strands of Europe’s history from a European rather than a national perspective. With this broad view it examines the great prehistoric people migrations, the cave paintings of Spain and France, the Roman Empire, the spread of Christianity, the Middle Ages, the glory of the Renaissance, the revolutions of the Reformation, the dawn of industrialization, Empire building and the two world wars of this century, and concludes with the fall of the Berlin wall and the disintegration of the USSR.

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Literatura Portuguesa & Lusofona


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Illustrated History of Europe









The ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF EUROPE represents a watershed in historical writing. The collective effort of a team of twelve European historians, it unravels the many cultural, economic, social and political strands of Europe's history from a European rather than a national perspective. With this broad view it examines the great prehistoric people migrations, the cave paintings of Spain and France, the Roman Empire, the spread of Christianity, the Middle Ages, the glory of the Renaissance, the revolutions of the Reformation, the dawn of industrialization, Empire building and the two world wars of this century, and concludes with the fall of the Berlin wall and the disintegration of the USSR.

Illustrated History of Europe de Frédéric Delouche. Phoenix Illustraded. Londres, 1993, 383 págs. Mole.


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The ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF EUROPE represents a watershed in historical writing. The collective effort of a team of twelve European historians, it unravels the many cultural, economic, social and political strands of Europe’s history from a European rather than a national perspective. With this broad view it examines the great prehistoric people migrations, the cave paintings of Spain and France, the Roman Empire, the spread of Christianity, the Middle Ages, the glory of the Renaissance, the revolutions of the Reformation, the dawn of industrialization, Empire building and the two world wars of this century, and concludes with the fall of the Berlin wall and the disintegration of the USSR.

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Peso 1240 g
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