
Illustrated English Social History – Eighteen Century

THIS third volume of the Illustrated Edition of my English Social History covers the Eighteenth Century. It describes first the period of English civilization known as the Age of Anne. It is natural to compare and contrast it with the Age of Elizabeth, described in the previous volume, noting the changes, some loss and some gain, in the character of civilization that had taken place between Queen and Queen.


Illustrated English Social History – Eighteen Century


THIS third volume of the Illustrated Edition of my English Social History covers the Eighteenth Century. It describes first the period of English civilization known as the Age of Anne. It is natural to compare and contrast it with the Age of Elizabeth, described in the previous volume, noting the changes, some loss and some gain, in the character of civilization that had taken place between Queen and Queen.

Título: Illustrated English Social History – Eighteen Century
Autor: G. M. Trevelyan
Edição: Readers Union
Colecção | Nº: Volume III
Ano: 1958
Páginas: 209
Encadernação: Dura

Com assinatura de posse


THIS third volume of the Illustrated Edition of my English Social History covers the Eighteenth Century. It describes first the period of English civilization known as the Age of Anne. It is natural to compare and contrast it with the Age of Elizabeth, described in the previous volume, noting the changes, some loss and some gain, in the character of civilization that had taken place between Queen and Queen.

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