
Destination Goa: The Investor-Friendly Paradise

Investment guides are traditionally staid offerings of dull facts and figures, at best a compilation of convincing statistics. This collection of vivid essays and commentaries, while providing all the hard statistics on the industrial environment to the prospective entrepreneur, breaks away from that traditional path. In lucid, reader- friendly language, the book highlights Goa’s centuries old thriving trading traditions-the era of ‘Golden Goa’-the chequered history of Mormugao Port and the vibrant possibilities it offers today as Goa joins in the liberalisation and globalisation of the national economy.


Destination Goa: The Investor-Friendly Paradise


Investment guides are traditionally staid offerings of dull facts and figures, at best a compilation of convincing statistics. This collection of vivid essays and commentaries, while providing all the hard statistics on the industrial environment to the prospective entrepreneur, breaks away from that traditional path. In lucid, reader- friendly language, the book highlights Goa’s centuries old thriving trading traditions-the era of ‘Golden Goa’-the chequered history of Mormugao Port and the vibrant possibilities it offers today as Goa joins in the liberalisation and globalisation of the national economy.

Destination Goa: The Investor-Friendly Paradise de Mario Cabral e Sá. Vikas Publishing. Bangalore, 1997, 107 págs. Encadernado.

Sem apontamentos


Investment guides are traditionally staid offerings of dull facts and figures, at best a compilation of convincing statistics. This collection of vivid essays and commentaries, while providing all the hard statistics on the industrial environment to the prospective entrepreneur, breaks away from that traditional path. In lucid, reader- friendly language, the book highlights Goa’s centuries old thriving trading traditions-the era of ‘Golden Goa’-the chequered history of Mormugao Port and the vibrant possibilities it offers today as Goa joins in the liberalisation and globalisation of the national economy.

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