
Consuming Passions

Writing with with, charm and intelligence Judith Williamson explores the forces that channel our tastes and structure our lives: films, books, television, advertisements, photography, music, political movements and even the royal family.


Consuming Passions


Writing with with, charm and intelligence Judith Williamson explores the forces that channel our tastes and structure our lives: films, books, television, advertisements, photography, music, political movements and even the royal family.

Título: Consuming Passions
Autor: Judith Williamson
Edição: Marion Boyars
Ano: 1995
Páginas: 240
Encadernação: Mole
ISBN: 0-7145-2851-X


Writing with with, charm and intelligence Judith Williamson explores the forces that channel our tastes and structure our lives: films, books, television, advertisements, photography, music, political movements and even the royal family.

Informação adicional

Peso 320 g



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